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177 4913 8020

        PBI active fruit fresh-keeping bags: After picking, fruits and vegetables are cut off their water and minerals supply. Assimilation is almost stopped, but it is still alive. Life activity is still going on inside, mainly including respiration in metabolic process. The more vigorous the respiration, the quicker various physiological and biochemical processes are, and the shorter the life after picking . That is to say, fruits storage and fresh-keeping mainly include respiration restraining, which should never affect normal metabolic process however. Temperature, gas and humidity are the main factors affecting respiration. Large amount of laboratory test proved that respiration can be restrained by increasing the CO2 content in the air, while reducing that of O2.To most fruits, a CO2 thickness of 1%~5% is suitable. But different fruits have their respective requirements for temperature, ratio of gas content, and humidity. The company developed special and professional active fresh-keeping bags that are proper for the respective features of fruits according to their biological natures, which effectively restrain the respiration of fruits, put it in a sleeping state, and without affecting normal metabolic process. Fruit corruption rate is under 2%, while the weight loses is below 0.5%.
       水果保鲜包装:鲜切水果甘蔗保鲜袋采用PBI物理活化水果保鲜袋(膜):鲜切水果甘蔗主要代谢过程是呼吸作用,而呼吸作用越旺盛,各种生理、生化过程进行的越快,采后寿命就越短,鲜切水果甘蔗更容易收到细菌感染而变质,所以西安水果保鲜袋膜水果的贮藏、保鲜主要是抑制呼吸,抑菌。温度、气体、湿度又是影响呼吸的主要因素。经大量实验证明适当提高空气中的CO?含量,降低O?含量可抑制呼吸。对于大多数水果来说比较合适的CO?浓度为1%~5%。海宏保鲜科技根据鲜切水果甘蔗的生理特性研制出了专业的、适合鲜切水果甘蔗特性的、特定活化保鲜袋,可有效的抑制水果呼吸,使鲜切水果甘蔗达到一种休眠状态,且不干扰鲜切水果甘蔗正常的生理代谢。坏果率在 2% 以下,重量流失在0.5%以下

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177 4913 8020